Major Adil Raja’s YouTube channel terminated

London: Major (retd) Adil Raja’s YouTube channel has been terminated, the self-exiled propagandist said.
He accused the ISI and government of being behind the ban on his YouTube and Facebook page.
The ban on Adil Raja came days after he started a feud with BOL News journalist Siddique Jan.
He was also seen arguing with Imran Riaz Khan’s brother Usman Riaz Khan on Twitter.
The propagandist has also blocked Imran Riaz’s brother.
Major (retd) Adil Raja has also created impression that Imran Riaz has made a deal with the government and he is in contact with his wife.
The missing journalist’s family, however, denied the reports that they are in contact with him.
Meanwhile, a large number of PTI workers have turned against Adil Raja after realizing that he has misled them by spreading lies on YouTube and social media websites.
The former army major is accused of spreading lies with claims that he gets information from his sources within the army.
Most of his claims are often found to be incorrect.
He is also accused of pitting Imran Khan’s party against the army by providing wrong information to the party leaders.
According to sources, PTI’s narrative against army generals was based largely on information given mostly by Adil Raja and several other self exiled journalists
Imran Khan is said to have overestimated his support within the army on the basis of such information and collided with the institution head on.