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DV lottery 2025 registration start date

The entry period for the DV-2025 Diversity Visa Program or DV Lottery would be between October 5, 2023 and November 8, 2023.

If you are willing to apply for DV Lottery 2025 visit the official website dvprogram.state.gov when the registration process starts in October.

Applicants can get all the information about the process on the website address given above.

The results for DV Lottery 2025 would be released in May 2024.

The Immigration Act of 1990 established the Diversity Visa (DV) program, where 55,000 immigrant visas would be available in an annual lottery, starting in fiscal year 1995.

The lottery aims to diversify the immigrant population in the United States, by selecting applicants mostly from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States in the previous five years.

To apply for a diversity visa, follow the steps on the Diversity Visa Process on usvisas.state.gov. Once you have completed those steps, review the instructions given to you by the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC), along with the information presented on this website, for further guidance and instructions.

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