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Game of Thrones: The Simpsons predicted Kings Landing destruction in 2017

Game of Thrones: The Simpsons predicted Kings Landing destruction two years before it took place in the show

The Simpsons had predicted what happened in Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 3 on Sunday– The destruction of Kings Landing by the dragons.

The prediction was made in the animated series in one of parody scenes of the HBO show in 2017.

While fans were still recovering from the shock which they received from the unexpected plot twist on Sunday, when it emerged that the Simpsons caterers already knew what is going to happen in Kings Landing.

The animated series which has the reputation for predicting the future events accurately once again became subject of discussion on social media platforms, with fans wondering about its ability to predict future.

Among many predictions, one was about Donlad Trump becoming President of the United States.

Fans were sharing the scene from the Simpsons where the characters are seen paying homage to Game Of Thrones in a parody of the show, titled Serfons.

The episode included a scene which saw Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie witness a dragon burning the Kings Landing to the ground.

The Kings Landing was destroyed in the last episode at the hands of Daenerys Targaryen.

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