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TikTok reacts to ban in Pakistan

Karachi: Reacting to TikTok ban imposed by the Sindh High Court, the Chinese company has said it would continue to work with Pakistani regulators to serve millions of people in the country.

In a statement issued by TikTok, a spokesman said the company has grown its capacity to review local language content.

Below is the full statement issue by TikTok after it was banned by the Pakistani court over “immoral content”:

“The creativity and passion of our community has brought joy to households across Pakistan and provided a home for incredibly talented creators.

We have grown our local-language moderation capacity for Pakistan, and work diligently to review and take action on content in violation of our Community Guidelines.

We continue to work with regulators, and look forward to serving the millions of TikTok users and creators in Pakistan who have found a home for creativity, fun and vital economic opportunities for many years to come.”

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