Eid-ul-Azha 2019: Whatsapp messages about tax on sacrificial animals are fake

Eid-ul-Azha 2019: Whatsapp messages about tax on sacrificial animals are fake
Karachi: Whatsapp messages about government imposing taxes on sacrificial animals are not correct.
A government spokesman rejected the reports that buyers will have to pay tax on purchase of animals for Eidul-Azha 2019.

Here is the fake message that has been circulating on Whatsapp for the last few days:
“FBR Notice for buying Animals for Eid ul Adha 2019:
- FBR has mandated that all purchases of animals over Rs. 40,000 are to be done by cheque or banking channels.
- Non-Filers purchasing animals over the value of Rs. 100,000 will be required to show proof of income, and subject to a 4% advance tax.
- Buying of more than four animals will be subject to a withholding luxury tax of 2%.
- FBR personnel will be deputed at the Mandis to ensure strict compliance.
- Benami animals will be ceased and qurbani proceeds of said animals will be given to poor and needy, under Ehsaas program.”