Amber Heard made film with Franco after describing him as creepy, Johnny Depp tells court

Actor Johnny Depp on Wednesday was accused of abusing former wife Amber Heard on a flight from Boston to Los Angeles following a row over Franco, who appeared with her in the film “The Adderall Diaries”.
Depp told the court that he was surprised she agreed to make the film with Franco, having previously described him as “creepy” for making aggressive sexual advances towards her.
Depp, giving evidence in his libel trial against Britain’s Sun newspaper over an article describing him as a “wife beater”, denied he had attacked Heard, accusing her of being the aggressor whom he tried to placate.
During the first two days of what is expected to be a three-week case, the court has heard evidence about Depp’s heavy drinking and drug use and about his relationship with Heard whom he married in 2015. She filed for divorce 15 months later.