Ayesha Omar photo scandal: Fact-check

Multiple Facebook pages and Whatsapp groups were recently found spreading pictures of a bikini-clad woman with claims that they purport to show Pakistani film and TV actress Ayesha Omar.
Although the “Bulbulay” actress received criticism in the past when her pictures from actions abroad had surfaced online, the latest campaign seems to target the actress with a mix of some original and photoshopped pictures.
Below is the only picture from the collection that our policies allow to publish.

This picture may or may not be original and it shows nothing objectionable even by “Pakistani standards”, but rest of the photos being spread online seem to be photoshopped as the actress’ face is not visible in most of them.
While motives of the people spreading Ayesha Omar’s fake pictures remain unknown, readers are advised to refrain from forwarding such pictures as such activities can land them in legal trouble.