‘Aurat’: Geo anchor Ayesha Jehanzeb launches clothing line

Ayesha Jehanzeb, host of Geo’s popular late night comedy show, has launched her own clothing line.
The “Khabarnaak” anchor, who has also been writing a blog for a popular Urdu language website, made the announcement on her Instagram account.
She has named her clothing line as “Aurat” and also created new Instagram and Facebook pages for the brand.
Sharing the picture of an outfit, she wrote an inspiring caption about women empowerment on the maiden post on @AyeshaJehanzebs.
“Aurat actually should have been awerat. Aurat is working on every aspect possible on the earth.
My heroes are not celebs they are real time warriors who have fought the fight for the existence of woman kind,” Khabarnaak host Ayesha Jehanzeb wrote.