Kangana Ranaut slams filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, says Struggling Outsider girls are treated like sex workers in Bollywood
Actress Payal Ghosh has recently accused famous filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of sexual exploitation, after which Kangana Ranaut came down in support of Ranot Ghosh. In a series of tweets on Sunday, Kangana Ranaut said that Anurag can do this as he has never been faithful to a woman and his former production house ‘Phantom’ is also full of adulterous MeeToo accused.
According to Kangana, Bollywood is full of people who want new and young girls to make them happy everyday. He also said that it is perfectly normal for struggling outsiders to be treated like sex workers here.
Anurag himself admits that he has never been monogamous
In her first tweet, Kangana wrote, ‘Anurag Kashyap is very capable of doing what Payal Ghosh is telling. They betrayed all their partners, they themselves admit that they have not been loyal to a woman. ‘Phantom’ has adulterated Meitu accused. I had earlier supported those victims and the Liberals had started a campaign against me as well.
Outsider girls are treated like sex workers
In the second tweet, he wrote, ‘As far as I know, Anurag himself has admitted that even after many marriages, he has never been monogamous. Whatever Anurag did to Payal is a common thing in Bollywood. It is perfectly normal for them to treat struggling outsiders as sex workers. # Anurag Kashyap # Payal Ghosh ‘
I don’t need #MeToo, I retaliated my way
In the third tweet, Kangana wrote, ‘Bullywood is full of sexual predators who have fake and dummy marriages and they expect a new and hot young girl to please them everyday. They do the same to young vulnerable men. I’ve taken my revenge in my own way and I don’t need #MeToo, but most girls do. # Payal Ghosh # Anurag Kashyap ‘
Many great heroes also happened to me as happened to Payal
In the next tweet, he wrote, ‘Everything that Payal Ghosh has said, many big heroes had done the same to me, suddenly showing your genitals by closing the van or room door or during a friendly dance on the dance floor at a party Put their tongues in your mouth, take an appointment for work and forcefully come home with you. ‘
My heart is coming out for payal
Responding to a user in the fifth tweet, he wrote, #MeToo has been a major failure of Bollywood, as most of the rapists and harassers were just Liberals, so they killed the movement. Surely like other victims # Payal Ghosh too will be humiliated and will also be silenced. But my heart is coming out for him. We hope for a better society. # Anurag Kashyap
Wrote a day ago- Every voice is important
Even a day before when Payal tweeted accusing Anurag, Kangana retweeted his tweet and wrote, ‘Every voice matters’ #MeToo #ArrestAnuragKashyap .
Payal pleaded with PMO
Earlier on Saturday evening, Payal shared his interview on Twitter and wrote, ‘Anurag Kashyap had force himself on me very badly, absolutely badly. Take PMO India, Narendra Modi ji please action and show the country the monster hidden behind this creative human being. I know that this may harm me and may also endanger my safety. Please help ‘.