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Nick Cannon wins the Internet with response to Orlando Brown’s video

Nick Cannon has responded to Orlando Brown’s outragious claim which he made in a video.

But the ‘Wild ‘n Out’ star did not claw back at Brown as most of the folks were expecting him to given his harsh response to Eminem.

The rapper took the high road as he addressed the issue.

Calling Orlando his brother, Nick Cannon took aim at the media for trying to pit the artists against each other to make money out of their fights.

Fans are all praise for Nick for refusing to be dragged in yet another dispute.

They are loving Cannon’s response while sharing screenshots of his Instagram response to Orlando.

Here is Nick Cannon’s response:

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When I first saw this I thought it was fucking hilarious!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ†šŸ’¦šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But then after putting a little cognitive effort and analytical thought to the situation,I figured what a great opportunity for a ā€œteachable momentā€! First off let me say I am praying for the young brother Orlando even though I donā€™t really know him personally, I have always loved and enjoyed his talent and have been a fan of his past work. He was fucking brilliant in Major Payne, and had us all laughing on ā€œThats So Ravenā€. But this is another crucial example of when we allow our young artists to be prematurely exposed by this demonic business and left out to fend for themselves. We need better support systems for our youth and take care of our own. I watched various of this young brothers videos and all I see is a cry out for help. So I donā€™t know if there are any real leaders or solid individuals in this young manā€™s life but letā€™s embrace him and tighten him up so he doesnā€™t become another lost victim to these hollywood circumstances. I indeed believe this brother has the God given talent to be on Wildnout but this definitely ainā€™t the way to audition, this actually hurts my heart to see that we have allowed Orlando, along with various other young gifted performers we grew up loving, to just dwindle away after these corporations made their billions off of them. Now due to substance abuse and diagnosed psychiatric disorders our loved ones are now aimlessly begging for the attention they were once given , instead of the help they actually need. All while we sit back and just laugh… The most irresponsible parties involved in all of this is our media, specifically the ā€œculturally consciousā€. For us to continue to post slander and tear one another down for click bait to make these white supremacy propagated platforms more money is asinine and deplorable. These cannibalistic tactics only destroy ā€œUsā€. Really, in post like this, who wins??? We might chuckle, joke, pass the gossip on through our low frequency vibrations but does it truly make you feel good??? Especially knowing that there are higher powers looking down at you. So I hold @iheartradio @complex @worldstar accountable!…

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