Jonas Brothers announce comeback with ‘Sucker’ as Prinyanka Chopra sparks controversy with pro-war tweet

Jonas Brother on Thursday announced come back with new song “Sucker” which is It is their first single in six years. The track is set to be released today March 1 midnight.
As the Jonas Brothers came into lime light once against , Priyanka Chopra, wife of Nick Jonas has sparked calls for her removal as Goodwill ambassador of UNICEF.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas, UNICEF’s Goodwill Ambassador, has been criticized over her social media reaction after India claimed to have carried out air raids inside Pakistan earlier this week.
The United National’s International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was established to meet the emergency needs of children and Indian intrusion could have escalated into bigger confrontation with potential of bringing Pakistan and Indian to brink of nuclear war that would have killed millions of people including children.
Instead of calling for both the nations to show restraint, Priyanka Chopra Jonas erupted into joy. She chanted “Jai Hind” slogan on Twitter while cheering for her country’s armed forces for intruding into airspace of a sovereign state.
A senior Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir visited the area where Indian aircraft dropped payload during the intrusion .
The bombing ended up burning trees near a village in Balakot area of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa where Mr Mir showed innocent children playing with goats.
The families of children told private TV channels that they fainted after listening to the explosions caused by payload that Indian warplanes dropped.
Anti-war activists in Pakistan have condemned Priyanka Chopra Jonas for her social media posts, calling on the United Nations to revoke her status as Ambassador of UNICEF.
Social media activists asked people to show the tweet to Quantico actress the next time she calls for safety of children.