Cabinet approves Assets Declaration Scheme 2019

ISLAMABAD: The cabinet on Tuesday approved asset Declaration Scheme, 2019.
The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan at the prime minister house which also discussed 17-point agenda.
Attorney General for Pakistan made a detailed presentation to cabinet about the progress made in cases pending in the International Courts/Arbitration forums and suggested future course of action.
The Cabinet was informed that from 2008 to 2018, the Government of Pakistan has paid an amount of US$ 100 million in lawyers’ fee in various cases while another US$ 10 million is to be paid this year in lawyers’ fee.
It was decided that legal advisors will be appointed in the main ministries including Ministry of Power, Petroleum, Communications, etc.
Besides, measures would be taken to strengthen the office of the Attorney General to enhance its capacity to vet Contracts/Agreement.
The Cabinet discussed at length the prices of essential items The Secretary Planning inform the Cabinet about the measures being taking to eliminate middle man and providing relief to consumers.
The Cabinet approved renewal of Regular Public Transport, Charter and Aerial Work Licenses of M/s PIACL.
The Cabinet approved constitution of Board of Directors of PTDC. The Cabinet ratified Trade Agreement between the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People’s Democratic of Algeria.
The Cabinet approved Memorandum of Understanding between National School of Public Policy (NSPP) and National Management Institute (NMI), Cairo. The Cabinet approved Property Tax Exemption in respect of Benevolent Fund Building, Zero Point Islamabad.
The Cabinet approved appointment of Director on Board Directors of Deposit Protection Corporation. Mr. Zafar Mirza, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on National Health Services briefed the Cabinet about progress made in reduction of Maximum Retail Prices of various drugs resulting in saving of Rs. 09 billion to consumers.
The Cabinet approved salary package for Members of the Information Commission. The Cabinet approved secondment of Major General Omer Ahmed Bokhari, as DG Pakistan Ranger (Sindh).
The Cabinet approved appointment of Ms. Tasneem Sultana, District and Session Judge as Judge, Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances-I), Karachi. Appointment of Judge, Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substances-), Quetta was also approved.
The Cabinet granted exemption of duties/taxes on equipment donated by China. The equipment will be used for anti-narcotics efforts. The Cabinet approved recruitment Rules of the post of Chairman of Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad. The Cabinet approved policy on provision of Consular Assistance to detained and imprisoned Pakistanis abroad. *
The Cabinet approved recruitment Rules of the post of Chairman of Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad. The Cabinet approved policy on provision of Consular Assistance to detained and imprisoned Pakistanis abroad. *