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Child abuse scandal: Punjab CM visits families of boys found murdered in Kasur

Kasur: Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar today visited Chunian where he met with the bereaved family members of the deceased children in the mosque. He extended sympathies to them and assured early arrest of the criminals.

The Chief Minister also offered Fateha for the departed souls. Talking on the occasion, he said that everyone is saddened over the tragic incident and added that cruelty has been committed with these children.

Provision of justice is my responsibility which would be fulfilled at every cost, he said. He said that all our sympathies are with the bereaved families. Punjab government is siding with you in every respect and every possible support will be extended, he said.

He said that investigation process is being forwarded speedily to ensure early arrest of the criminals.

The criminals would be soon arrested and they would be made a horrible example, he added. He said that anti-terrorism clauses have been included in the case and it would be run in the special ATC court. The criminals will be given exemplary punishment through the ATC court, he added.

Talking to the media, the chief minister said the person giving information about the criminals involved in Chunian tragedy will be given a reward of RS.50 lakh and his name will be kept secret as well. I am monitoring the progress made on this case on daily basis and the criminals will not escape from the grip of the law. Such incidents can never be tolerated, he added. The chief minister said that dolphin police have been deputed in Chunian and the special branch staff is also being increased. Child Protection Bureau will also be activated in Kasur, he added. To a question, the chief minister said that black-sheep in the police will be kicked out. The officers who have been removed from their posts will be charge-sheeted and they will not be given postings again, he said. He said that such incidents already occurred in Kasur and added that there is the need for an affective legislation to give exemplary punishment to the criminals and to stop such incidents.

Every possible resource will be provided to secure the future of the children, he said. The chief minister said that legislation should be such that the system could automatically perform. We have constituted JIT composed of best officers and everything will be scrutinized and action would be taken. We would try that such incidents should not happen in future.

To a question, he said that cases are being reported and action is also initiated. I remained in contact with the concerned officers despite being outside of the country and police officers were also suspended after the Chunian incident. Earlier, the chief minister was given a briefing about the progress made on Chunian incident in a special meeting held at Changa Manga. He was also apprised about the JIT’s investigations.

The chief minister said that criminals should be brought under the net of the law as soon as possible as such beasts deserve exemplary punishment. He also directed to recover the lost child namely Imran in Chunian and said that he has reviewed progress on the case last night.

It is a test case which will be brought to its logical end, he added. Provincial ministers Raja Basharat, Ansar Majeed Khan, IG Police, ACS (Home), Additional IG (Special Branch), additional IG (CTD), MD and CEO Punjab Safe Cities Authority, Commissioner Lahore Division, Secretary Information, DC and DPO Kasur and others attended the meeting.

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