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Gunmen kill at least 14 bus passengers in Balochistan

Quetta: -Gunmen killed at least 14 people after forcing them to disembark from buses Balochistan, authorities said on Thursday.

The attackers, who numbered around two dozen, were wearing uniforms from the paramilitary Frontier Corps,  Balochistan home secretary Haider Ali told AFP.

They “stopped buses on the Makran Coastal Highway and gunned down 14 people”, he said, adding that the four vehicles were travelling to the port megacity of Karachi from the coastal town of Ormara.

A naval official and a coast guard member were among those martyred , Ali said.

Provincial home minister Mir Zia Langov said a full-scale investigation had been launched into the attack and to track down the gunmen, who he said had fled the scene.

“Such incidents are intolerable and we will not spare the terrorists who carried out this dastardly attack,” he said.

Prime Minster Imran Khan also condemned the killings in a statement from his office.

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