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‘Howdy, Modi’ rally: Reaction in Pakistan

Houston: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump on Sunday addressed a rally of around 50,000 Indians in Houston, Texas.

The rally was organized by Indian supporters of Modi in NRG Football stadium where the Indian premier entered along with the US leader.

As the Trup sat in the front row, Modi criticized Pakistan for its reactions on New Delhi’s decision to revoke Kashmir’s autonomy.

He said US president will fully support India in its action terrorist and their backers.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators had gathered outside the venue of the Howdy Modi rally, protesting Indian clampdown in Kashmir.

A section of international media and Pakistan broadcasters have focused on the protesters calling Trump’s appearance in the Indian rally an attemp to garner support for his election bid next year in Texas, a Democratic stronghold.

Democratic runner Bernie Sanders’ tweet also made headlines amid the protest against Narendra Modi.

“When Donald Trump stays silent in the face of religious persecution, repression and brutality, the dangerous message this sends to autocratic leaders around the world is: “Go ahead, you can get away with it.,” Sander wrote.

While some Pakistani users expressed disappointment over Trump’s decision to share stage with the Indian leader, many were confident soon India will be made responsible for what they said its crimes in occupied Kashmir.

Liberal and democratic circles in the United States, including some Hindu groups, have also voiced support for Kashmir and condemned Indian government’s policies which they said have divided India.

According to Al Jazeera, Hindus for Human Rights group said atrocities against the minorities in India could not be tolerated in the name of their faith.

“As Hindus, we feel like the atrocities happening in India … is all being done by a Hindu extremist government in the name of our beloved faith, Hinduism. It is our absolute religious, moral and human obligation to stand up and be counted on the side of history that said: ‘No, not in our name,'” said Sunita Viswanath, Al Jazeera quoted the co-founder of the group as saying.

This and many other dissenting voices were the focus of media in Pakistan and other foreign news outlets which traditionally see Mr Trump as a divisive figure.

Pakistanis opposed to Prime Minister Imran Khan and supporters of opposition parties have called Trump’s appearance at Modi’s rally a failure of PTI government.

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