Imran Khan remains a force to reckon with

His government might have disappointed some people at home, but when it comes to international diplomacy the supporters of Prime Minister Imran Khan think the former cricket hero has proved that he is a force to reckon with.
During his remarkable speech at the United Nations General Assembly sessions, the prime minister has not only highlighted Kashmir issue, he has also attempted to draw world’s attention towards rising Islamophobia.
It was perhaps due to his eloquence, conviction and clarity of mind with which he spoke during his stay in New York that people turn to the search engines to know more about the man who appeared uncompromising in the pursuit of his objectives.
He takes no prisoners while calling out India over the atrocities in Occupied Kashmir and warning US against waging wars in foreign lands.
Although the Pakistani leader has addressed the most serious issues facing the world in general and his region in particular, Khan has made people smile and even laugh with his upfront remarks on more than one occasion.
While speaking at Council of Foreign Relations, a powerful think-tank, the audience broke into laughter when he talked at length about the predicament his country has found itself in due to regional situation and then quipped “I think I’ve got enough on my plate right now. What would you do if you were in my position? You would have probably had a heart attack by now”.
He also appeared on MSNBC and talked about the futility of America’s war in Afghanistan.
Khan said when the US was busy waging war in Afghanistan spending tax payer’s money, China was developing what he said a first world infrastructure.
The TV hosts couldn’t help laughing when the Pakistani prime minister said “Now I am in New York and watching the car, you know, bumping around here”, in a reference to state of roads in the city.
His supporters have been circulating footage of Imran Khan’s speeches on Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp groups, expressing the hope that Imran Khan is capable of steering the country out of domestic crises.
PM Imran Khan’s visit to the United States seems to have renewed people’s hopes about the change their leader promised in the run up to General Elections 2018.