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‘Imran Khan’s aides sent misleading report about Gen Asim Munir to a friendly country’

Islamabad: Former prime minister Imran Khan’s aides used a foreign diplomat to send a misleading report about the army chief Asim Munir at the time of his appointment, claimed senior journalist Azaz Syed.

While Azaz Syed did not reveal the name of the country, it is widely believed that it was Saudi Arabia.

He said that after reading the report, the leader of the friendly country had expressed strong resentment.

The journalist said that Pakistani authorities dashed to wake up the ambassador of the country to inform him that his deputy was used by the PTI leaders to send an incorrect report about General Asim Munir.

Azaz Syed said that the ambassador then rushed to make a phone call and inform his country’s leadership that the report sent by his deputy was not correct.

Although the journalist did not share the content of the report, it is being speculated that it was about religious believes.

He also revealed that a couple of PTI leaders leaked Imran Khan’s conversation about General Asim Munir to secret agencies.

The journaliat said Imran Khan had shared his views about the army chief in his container last month.

Azaz Syed, who was speaking on his YouTube show with investigative journalist Umar Cheema, also discussed the legal troubles that have the potential to disqualify Imran Khan.

He said that the cases pertaining to foreign funding, Tosha Khana, contempt of court and non-declaration of his love child Tyrian White can create a serious trouble for Imran Khan.

He said that Imran Khan’s future depends on his relations with the country’s powerful establishment which currently does not have a favorable view of him.

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