Israeli pilot arrested along with Abhinandan still in Pakistan custody, claims TV anchor

TV anchor Dr Shahid Masood on Sunday renewed the debate on whether Pakistan had actually captured a second pilot along with Abhinandan, pilot of the Indian aircraft that was shot down in February.
In his show on Sunday, Dr Masooq asked Lt. Gen (retd) Abdul Qayyum whether he would confirm the rumors.
Although the retired general refused to confirm the reports, he seemed to agree with the anchor over his claim that an Israeli pilot was also one of the captives whose fate still remains unknown.

Gen Qayyum said initially Pakistan claimed to have arrested two pilots but latter the reports about the second pilot somehow disappeared from the TV.
He said he had no doubt that another pilot was in Pakistan’s custody.
Dr Shahid Masood, who is known for pushing conspiracy theories said according to his information the captive pilot belongs to Israel.
He, however, did not elaborate on what Israeli pilot was doing in Kashmir