Modi supporters think Shahid Khaqan is a PAF pilot whose aircraft crashed at LoC

Twitter accounts associated with India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are spreading false news that a Pakistani aircraft crashed in Rajouri sector at the Line Of Control (LoC).
The tweet was first posted by Vikrant Rajput who wrot, “Reports of Pakistani F-14 Tomcat fell over Rajouri of LoC. Pilot Sayed Khalid is missing, Search operation is going on…”
The picture shared on Twitter showed Pakistani politician and former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi wearing pilot’s uniforms with F-16 visible behind him.
Pakistani Air Force has never used F-14 Tomcat aircraft while Shahid Khaqan Abbasi left for US a couple of days ago.
The tweet sparked hilarious reactions from Pakistani Twitter users, with one saying India can keep the aircraft and the pilot.