Pakistan begins importing Euro-V petrol

Islamabad: The Pakistan State Oil, has started to import Euro-V Standard Fuel into the country, according to a statement issued by the government on Saturday.
The statement said the PSO is the first oil market company to initiate the process of importing Euro-V petrol.
This move will enable country to import better quality fuel and primarily aims at protecting the environment from Climate change and global warming.
The statement said that the Petroleum Division has formulated policy guidelines for switching of petrol imports to Euro- V specifications from August, 2020 and all imports of diesel will be conformed to Euro- V standard by January, 2021 in order to revolutionise the fuel mix of the country.
This policy guidelines has been shared with the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) for implementation and ensuring import of Euro – V Petrol and diesel in line with deadlines set by the Federal Government.
Euro-V petrol will help cut down the Sulphur content to avoid the air pollution but also improve the health of vehicles that have been affected by low-quality fuel.
The government is encouraging private OMCs to introduce better grade fuel to protect the environment.
PSO also took the lead in providing electric charging facility at one of its fuel stations in the federal capital which was inaugurated by Mr Omar Ayub Khan last month.
The Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan (HDIP) has also set up testing labs for the examination of Euro- V Fuels specifications before OMCs to begin importing the upgraded version of Petrol and Diesel in the country.