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Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine not suitable for Pakistan says scientist

Karachi: Doctor Attaur Rehman, the head of government’s Task Force on Coronavirus, has said that the new coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is not suitable for Pakistan, citing logistics issues associated with the drug.

Speaking on Geo Pakistan morning show, the Pakistani scientist said it would be too early to celebrate the vaccine since it has not been approved by any regulatory body.

He said even if the drug gets approved, logistics problems would make it impossible for Pakistan and other third world countries to use it.

Dr Rehman said that the new COVID-19 vaccine requires to be stored under -80 degree Celsius temperature before being administered to the coronavirus patients.

He said Pakistan lacks the kind of facilities required to store the vaccine and would instead rely on other options such as Chinese developed drugs.

Dr Attaur Rehman (center) talking to Huma Amir Shah and Abdullah Sultan

Below is the Facebook link to Geo Pakistan morning show where D Attaur Rehman’s gave detailed answers to show hosts Huma Amir Shah and Abdullah Sultan’s questions.

Click the link below: https://web.facebook.com/geopakistantv/videos/1046782389068114/

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