PM Imran Khan launches TeleSchool channel
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday launched Teleschool, a new educational television channel.
The channel will broadcast programmes for 1-12 grades from 8am to 6pm daily. The morning session with English, Maths, Urdu and General Science lessons is dedicated for junior students and the next with all subjects for seniors. The ministry has developed a course schedule, which will be made public before the channel’s launch.
For the channel, which is an initiative of the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, the state-run Pakistan Television Corporation will provide satellite, cable and terrestrial transmission facilities, local edtech companies, including Sabaq, MUSE, Taleemabad and Knowledge Platform, have developed course contents, and Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, has offered editing support, while the SMS/IVR (short message services/interactive voice response) and web portal and app feedback support will come from Prime Minister’s Digital Pakistan initiative, Ministry of Information Technology and telecom companies.