Prince William and King Charles turn supporters into critics over Jacinda Ardern and Slave trade study

Royal fans and pro-monarchy experts and commentators in the the British media rarely criticize the royal family and focus more on targeting Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
But Prince William and King Charles’ recent moves have apparently angered them.
Anger was shown under Prince William’s tweet welcoming New Zealand’s former prime minister Jacinda Ardern to his Earthshot Prize.
Hundreds of royal fans were of the view that William would regret his decision.
Then came reports that King Charles Charles supports a study into the Royal Family’s links to the slave trade.
Royal family’s staunch supporter and senior journalist Richard Eden was prominent among those who criticized the monarch and said his move could put an end to the British monarchy.
The royal commentator said, “If the royal family ks ashamed of its past it will go the same way as the Guardian newspaper, which apologized for its role in the salve trade and agreed to donate 10 million pounds to a programme of ‘restorative justice.”