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PTI supporters praise Geo News for taking a stand for its journalists after ARY fires Arshad Sharif

Islamabad: PTI supporters think ARY failed to take a stand for Arshad Sharif and Sabir Shakir like its competitor Geo News did for its journalists.

The reaction came after the private broadcaster, previously known as establishment’s mouthpiece, announced it has parted ways with the self-exiled anchor Arshad Sharif.

In an effort to mend its ties with the powerful establishment, ARY said that social media posts by its employees have to be in accordance with the broadcaster’s policies.

Reacting to ARY statement, PTI leader Azhar Mashwani said Geo took a stand for its people.

He said that Geo did not fire anyone “no matter how tough the situation was.”

The same views were expressed by many PTI supporters on social media.

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