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Saudi King Salman is alive

Riyadh: A day after rumors regarding death of Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz surfaced online, Saudi Foreign Minister shared multiple pictures of the monarch administering oath to ambassadors.

 Rita Katz, Director of SITE Intelligence Group on Saturday while citing unconfirmed reports had said the Saudi King Salman has died.

She said in a tweet that if the rumors turn out to be true, it will explains the arrests of members of Saudi royal family carried out by Saudi government recently.

Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, a brother of King Salman, and the monarch´s nephew Prince Mohammed bin Nayef were accused of treason and taken from their homes early Friday by black-clad royal guards, the Wall Street Journal reported citing unnamed sources.

The Saudi royal court has accused the two men, once potential contenders for the throne, of “plotting a coup to unseat the king and crown prince” and could face lifetime imprisonment or execution, the newspaper said.

The New York Times also reported the detentions, adding that Prince Nayef´s younger brother, Prince Nawaf bin Nayef, had also been detained.

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