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Afghans chant Allahu Akbar in defiance to Taliban after Kabul explosion

Kabul: Hundreds of civilians in Kabul came out on to the streets and chanted Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest) to express their support for Afghan government forces and opposition to the Taliban, minutes after a car bomb blast followed by sporadic gunfire hit Afghanistan’s capital on Tuesday near the heavily fortified “Green Zone”.

 The explosion left three civilians and three attackers dead, security officials said amid an upturn in violence by Taliban militants.

The night-time march spilled across the city with mostly men and some women joining in the demonstrations, carrying candles and Afghan flags to signal united opposition to the hardline Islamist group.

An hour explosion couldn’t keep people in Kabul from shouting Allahu Akbar in defiance to the Taliban and in support of their nation and people.

Hundreds of Twitters users in Afghanistan and Pakistan expressed solidarity with people of war-torn country by tweeting #AllahuAkbar.

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