Around two million people attend Sheikh Mahmud Effendi’s funeral

Istanbul: Around two million people attended the funeral of Turkish scholar Mahmud Effendi who died earlier this week.

Millions of people expressed condolences over the death of Effendi.
Muslim scholars in India and Pakistan paid tribute to the leader of the Naqshbandi order after news of his demise surfaced.
In 1952, Ustaosmanoğlu met Ahıskalı Ali Haydar Efendi (Gürbüzler), a Naqshbandi sheikh who became his murshid. Ali Haydar Efendi appointed him as the imam of the İsmailağa Mosque in 1954.
By the year 1960, Ustaosmanoğlu’s life had its greatest turn after Ali Haydar Efendi’s demise and he became the leader of the path (tariqa). In 1996, he retired as the imam of the İsmailağa Musjid.