Coca Cola faces backlash over ‘animal abuse’

Coca Cola faces backlash over ‘animal abuse’
London: Coca Cola was among top Twitter trends in Italy on Friday as users expressed outrage over animal cruelty committed at a farm which the company worked with.
The criticism comes after a recent investigation by Animal Recovery Mission – a US-based animal protection organization – revealed that employees at Fair Oak Farms in Illinois kicked, violently threw and hit baby calves.
A Twitter user asked people to sign a petition online in order to urge Coca Cola to never allow such animal suffering again.
The report also published on the website of Four Paws International said calves were malnourished, dehydrated and slowly dying – all this at a farm that claims to care for their animals.
“The mega-farm that keeps 15,000 cows and supplies milk for Fairlife brand’s premium milk products, which are produced and distributed by Coca-Cola in the US and internationally. The animals, however, are not kept under premium conditions,” it said.
“Coca Cola must not only end partnerships with such farms and companies but set strict and clear criteria as to how animals must be treated and require regular audits and monitoring of the farms they choose to work with. They need to also be fully transparent about their efforts and the conditions on the farms. If that cannot be guaranteed, Coca Cola should not be distributing animal products”.
Here is a collection of Tweets calling for Coca Cola to end animal abuse: