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Israel Election 2019: PM Netanyahu on path for victory

Jerusalem: Isreali Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in a position to form a coalition government  on Wednesday a day after voters cast their ballots in elections which saw the veteran leader battle for his political survival.

According to AFP, he was in position to form a right-wing coalition and further extend his long tenure in office.

Bengamin Netanyahu was on path to become the longest serving prime minister of the Jewish state .

Local media reported that Netanyahu’s  Likud party was all set to grab  a similar number of seats in parliament to his main challenger,  ex-military chief Benny Gantz´s centrist Blue and White alliance.

According to Israeli media 97 percent of the votes have been counted, with results  showing the Likud Party and allies securing around 65 seats in the 120-seat parliament.

Isreal Election 2019, Benjamin NetanYahu, Isreal Election results, who won Isreali electio, Benny Gantz vs Benjamin Netanyahu

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