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‘Arroz dana de Pakistan’: Report of contaminated rice fabricated

“Arroz dana pakistan contaminadon”

Reports circulating on social media regarding shipment of ‘Dana’ rice from Pakistan not complying with health standards and that officials have been bribed, is completely fabricated and unsubstantiated.

The Ministry of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning would like to reassure the public that it does not compromise on the health and wellbeing of its citizens and that if any health risks was to be identified with any product, all distribution of any contaminated product would be ceased immediately.

No incidents have been identified in Seychelles and in so far and recent statistics does not show any import of this brand of rice into the country.

Internal investigations show that similar publication has been circulated in different countries, with the most recent being in Jamaica, which authorities there has equally rejected. No notifications have been received from the International Food Safety Network regarding any similar contamination– Press Release issued by the government last year.

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