Ex RAW officer claims underworld is involved in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death

NK Sood, a former Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) officer, has made a shocking revelation, claiming that underworld potentially had a hand of in the case of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death.
He made these claims in a video on his YouTube channel. He also shared this on his Twitter account.
He said, “Underworld criminals do their job very accurately and try their best to divert attention. The money laundering may be meant to hide the reality of the underworld being involved in the case. ”
In the video, the former RAW official said, “Underworld has a hand in the case of Sushant’s death. Even Sushant’s role of employees cannot be ruled out. It is possible that Sushant was strangled to death by paying money. They may have been assured that they would escape the clutches of the law. The killers tried to deposit money in several accounts of Sushant to divert attention, so that the police diverted attention from the main culprits. There is an atmosphere of fear in Mumbai. People are afraid to speak openly because of gangsters. “