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Full text of Yahya Afridi’s dissenting note in Supreme Court verdict on PTI march

Islamabad: The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Wednesday issued detailed verdict on Imran Khan’s May 25 Azadi March.

The Supreme Court’s directives were issued in a written order on the plea filed by the Islamabad High Court Bar Association (IHCBA) against the government’s decision to block roads to stop PTI’s “Azadi March”.

A five-member bench of the apex court gave a majority verdict but Justice Yahya Afridi while dissenting majority opinion observed that there is sufficient material to initiate contempt proceeding against former prime minister Imran Khan over violation of the court order.

Below is the full text of his dissenting note:

Supreme Court majority judgment has sought reports from DG ISI, DG IB, IG Islamabad and others over arrival of PTI workers at D Chowk in violation of May 25 order. After verification of facts, SC will decide whether to initiate contempt proceeding.

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