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Royal Family News: Forbidden Words and Preferred Terms Revealed

It’s understood that royals like King Charles (74), Prince William (41), and Duchess Kate (41) should refrain from using profanity. As members of the British royal family, they adhere to different guidelines when it comes to their everyday language.

Social anthropologist Kate Fox has revealed to the British “Mirror” the absolute no-go words for the royals.

For instance, the term “toilette” (in English, “toilet”) is a definite taboo. Clearly of French origin, this word is frowned upon in the British monarchy. Instead, the term “klo” (“loo”) is preferred.

Likewise, “pardon” would likely fall into this category. Instead of using that, if something isn’t understood, one should simply say “sorry” or “sorry, what?” or even just nod and smile.

If one wishes to give a compliment about how a royal smells, it’s best to avoid “parfüm” (“perfume”). Royals don’t wear perfume; they wear a “duft” (“scent”).

Referring to dinner as “tea” is an absolute no-no, and one shouldn’t expect a “dessert” either. Instead, after the main course, they enjoy “pudding.”

Even concerning the furnishing of Buckingham Palace, there are rules. The royals don’t spend time in the “wohnzimmer” or lounge. Instead, they use the “zeichenzimmer” (“drawing room”) or “sitzzimmer” (“sitting room”).

The last linguistic sin that royals must avoid is calling someone or themselves “posh.” Instead, the term “smart” should be used.

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