What is the meaning of ‘Sco pa tu manaa’?
What is the meaning of “Sco pa tu manaa” is the most frequently asked question these days.
It has left social media users bewildered.
If you are regular Twitter users chances are you have come across various posts containing the phrase.
Usually we see Twitter replies on our feed containing ‘Sco pa tu manaa’ phrase.
The answer is always an explanation or comment about something or someone.
If you are still wondering about the meaning of “Sco pa tu manaa” here is the answer:
“What does it mean?”, “What do you think about this thing?” or What does this remind you of?”
The phrase traces its origin to Ghanaian musician Patapaa who used it in the music video for his song ‘Daavi Neba’.
The only thing is, the rapper is known for using gibberish in his songs and ‘Sco pa tu manaa’ is also just a random phrase.