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Balach Nosherwani: Tribute paid to hero who lost his life to save a child

Quetta: People of Pakistan are paying tribute to a young man for sacrificing his life to protect a drowning child.

According to reports, Balach Nosherwani drowned in an attempt to save a kid, a garbage picker, who had fallen into a Karez in Quetta.

“Balach risked his life for an unknown child and died whilst trying to save him. May Allah rest his soul in peace,” said a Twitter user while sharing the hero’s picture.

Senior politician and human rights activist Farhatullah Khan Babar said, “Individuals like Balach Nosherwani are national heroes. They may not adore medallions on chests nor get plots in recognition. They indeed transcend glittering medals and plots.”

Dozens of people have lost their lives in the current monsoon rains in most parts of Pakistan.

Balochistan is the worst hit province where heavy rains have destroyed hundreds of houses and displaced thousands of people.

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