Google Play Store services will not stop in Pakistan from December 1

Islamabad: Google Play Store will not stop t its services in Pakistan from December 1 as reported by several local media outlets.
Google intends to continue its services Pakistan where only payments by mobile balance will not be possible from Dec 1.
According to Express Tribune, the State Bank of Pakistan has suspended a payment of $34 million to international service providers.
The News reported that the direct carrier billing (DCB) mechanism was discontinued by the central bank after which a payment of$34 million on an annual basis through mobile companies to international service providers, including Google, Amazon and Meta, got stuck.
The report said that the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and four cellular mobile operators (CMOs) unanimously wrote a joint letter to the SBP on Friday, making a request to reverse its decision of revoking the DCB mechanism for payment of dollar fee keeping in view the liquidity crunch being faced by the country.