Maulana Abdur Razzaq Iskandar’s funeral in pictures and videos

Karachi: Thousands of people thronged the Jamia Islamia Binori Town Karachi to bid farewell to renowned religious scholar Maulana Abdur Razzaq Iskandar who died on Wednesday at the age of 86.
Born in Kakul, Abbottabad, Iskandar was the chancellor and senior hadith-professor of Jamia Uloom-ul-Islamia, emir of the Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat and the president of Wifaqul Madaris in Pakistan.
Maulana Fazlur Rehamn and other senior religious leaders offered condolences over the death of the prominent scholar who died after protracted illness.
Check out the video and pictures of his funeral that took place in Karachi on Wednesday: