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India will nuke Pakistan, The Simpsons predict

The Simpsons predicted India nuclear attack on Pakistan

Pakistan has accused Indian army of using cluster munition against civilian population along the Line of Control, the defecto border between the two countries.

The tensions between the two countries are rising after India intensified crackdown in Kashmir, killing scores of civilians.

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Pakistan has warned India against any misadventure saying it would elicit an befitting response.

The recent development just days after US President Donald Trump offered to mediate between the two countries. But India has refused to accept the offer.

Pakistan and India, both the nuclear armed nations, have fought two wars over Kashmir and there are always fears that the border skirmishes can spiral out of control.

The threat of nuclear war between the two countries would be a nightmare for the entire world. The enmity between Pakistan and India has also prompted the makers of The Simpsons to highlight the gravity of the situations.

Simpson, the American animated sitcom is notorious for including jokes that would become reality.

The show recently predicted exactly what was to come in the finale of HBO series Game of Thrones. The show had predicted the destruction of Kings Landing by dragons and fans ultimately saw it happen.

Among others things, the Simpsons also predicted about Donald Trump becoming US Presidents 16 years before he assumed office of the President of United States in 2016.

It also also lampooned 20th Century Fox as a division of The Walt Disney Company. Nineteen years later, Disney purchased the studio. The Simpsons predicted about Smartwatch and autocorrection technology. They also joked about Lady Gaga’s acrobatic performance at the Super Bowl LI halftime show and it happened years later.

A few years ago the Simpsons made a horrific joke which nobody wants to become a reality.

The scene from the animated series has resurfaced years after it was aired.

A character from the Simpsons says

Lets start off with a joke. I got one.

What is difference between Pakistan and a pancake.

I don’t know any pancakes that were nuked about India. HA-HA.

What? Too soon?

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