A new approach to journalism

Anchor Imran Riaz Khan leading PTI to oblivion

Islamabad: Ideological PTI workers are convinced that Imran Khan was misguided by his advisors to end up where he is today.

Apart from his advisors, some journalists posing as PTI sympathizers were also instrumental in bringing down Khan’s government by telling him everything but truth during his stint as the prime minister of Pakistan.

Now that he is out of power, the same journalists are hell bent on destroying his politics.

Anchor Imran Riaz Khan has emerged as one of the staunch supporters of Imran Khan.

What majority of PTI folks have been unable to understand is that Imran Riaz has lost nothing despite being fired from Samaa TV.

He is cleverly using his YouTube channel to amass a fortune. The anchor is reportedly making millions by making videos in support of Imran Khan.

He will never say anything that Imran Khan and PTI might disagree with.

The anchor initially hailed the crowd that chanted slogans against Shehbaz Sharif and his companions in Madina on 27th night of Ramzan.

The incident drew an unprecedented reaction from the Pakistani nation but Imran Riaz Khan was the first to point out fingers at Maryam Nawaz saying she had supported slogans raised against Khan in Saudi Arabia in the past. He will never say what Maryam did could not justify what happened near the Roza-e-Rasool (Peace Be Upon Him).

While the anchor could have kept mum or simply condemned the violation of sanctity of the Holy Mosque, he chose to justify the slogans and the incident which could have serious repercussions for PTI chairman Imran Khan and his party.

Imran Riaz’s Twitter timeline is flooded with posts and retweets defending and justifying an act that no Muslim would tolerate.

Some PTI leaders also rejoiced over the incident but soon they realized the gravity of the situation and asked their workers to refrain from such acts.

PTI workers and leaders should know that the journalist who never criticizes you and always says what you want to hear is no journalist.

Imran Riaz condoning the incident by retweeting Sabir Shakir
Imran Riaz retweeting a post with laughing emojis to justify what happened in Madina
Posting screenshot of Maryam Nawaz’s tweet to defend the Madina incident
Ali Muhammad Khan speaks his minds without pointing fingers but the anchor retweets it with Maryam’s story
Instead of condemning the incident, Imran Riaz thinks it is the right time to make a point
He is lying because Qasim Suri said in his complaint that his people were also beaten up

PTI supporters should keep in mind that Imran Riaz Khan will also become neutral once Imran Khan is doomed.

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