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Indian court decision to acquit suspects in Samjhauta Express terrorist attack travesty of justice: Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Wednesday summoned Indian High Commissioner to lodge a protest against the acquittal of suspects in Samjhauta Express terrorist attack that killed 44 Pakistani 11 years ago.

The prime suspect of the attack Swami Assemanand, a member of extremist Hindu outfit RSS, was also among the four suspects acquitted by India’s Nationalv Investigation Agency Court.

The Indian High Commisioner was summoned by Pakistan’s acting foreign secretary who told the Indian diplomat that the acquittal of suspects involved in a heinous terrorist attack makes a travesty of justice and expose the sham credibility of the Indian courts.

“It also belies the rampant Indian duplicity and hypocrisy where India reflexively levels allegations of terrorism against Pakistan, while protecting with impunity, terrorists who had publicly confessed to their odious crimes,” a statement issued by the Foreign Office said.

The Acting Foreign Secretary emphasized that the systemic Indian decision to gradually exonerate and finally acquit the perpetrators, is not only a gross reflection of India’s callous insensitivity to the plight of the 44 families of the deceased Pakistanis, who hoped that India would but also reflective of the Indian state policy of promoting and protecting Hindu terrorists.

He demanded Indian government explore judicial remedies to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

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