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Indian PM Modi extends greetings on Pakistan Day in message to PM Imran

ISLAMABAD: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday extended greetings and best wishes to people of Pakistan in a message to Prime Minister Imran Khan on the eve of  Pakistan Day, days after both the countries reached on the brink of war after Pulwama attack.

Prime Minister Imran Khan used his Twitter account and  posted the message the message from his Indian counterpart which read “”I extend my greetings & best wishes to the people of Pakistan on the National Day of Pakistan. It is time that ppl of Sub-continent work together for a democratic, peaceful, progressive & prosperous region, in an atmosphere free of terror and violence”.

As the tensions between the two countries reached on the peak, Pakistani leader had extended an olive branch to New Delhi by releasing captured Indian pilot who was shot down over Kashmir just a day after India carried out aerial strikes inside Pakistan.

Indian raids came days after a suicide bomber killed over 40 Indian paramilitaries in Occupied Kashmir which New Delhi blamed on Pakistan.

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