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Mahathir Mohamad gets red carpet welcome in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad received a red carpet welcome in Pakistan as he arrived in Islamabad on a three-day visit on Thursday.

Prime Minister Imran Khan and members of his cabinet welcomed the guest at the Nur Khan Airbase.

Mahathir Mohamad was also given a 21-gun salute on his arrival. The Malaysian leader is visiting Pakistan on the invitation of his Pakistani counterpart.

He would be the guest of honor at the Pakistan Day military parade on March 23 in Islamabad.

“Pakistan and Malaysian companies t sign joint ventures worth millions of dollars in telecommunication, technology, automobiles, and halal food sectors,” a government statement said.


Both the countries are expected to sign $900 million deals during the visit which comes months after PM Imran visited Malaysia.

Prime Minister’s Adviser Razzaq Dawood said MoUs worth $800 and $900 million investment would be signed with the Malaysian investors on Friday.

The Malaysian prime minister and his Pakistani counterpart will attend a round table of officials and investors from both the countries.

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