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Natalie Portman convinced that Iran shot down Ukrainian airliner?

London: Over 170 passengers lost their lives when a Ukrainian aircraft they were travelling in crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran.

The incident came amid rising tensions between Iran and the United States after killing of a top Iranian military commander in a US drone strike.

A day before the plane crash, Iran had launched retaliatory attack into Iraq while targeting a military base hosting US troops.

The Islamic Republic has refused to give black box of the aircraft to Boeing as the world leaders called for a thorough inquiry.

Canada and UK have claimed they have intelligence information that the Ukrainian aircraft was hit by an Iranian missile over Tehran, a charge that Iran has denied.

Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau told a press conference on Thursday that Iran might have mistakenly shot down the passenger plane.

Recently a video purporting to show Iranian missile hit the aircraft has emerged on the internet.

Iran has threatened to target US interests in the Middle East and Israeli cities if President Trump ordered further attacks against the Islamic Republic.

Everybody who has anything to do with Middle East are worried over the unfolding of events in the region.

Actor Natalie Portman, who is both American and an Israeli citizen, was observed taking keen interest in the current situation.

Although she had not spoken publicly on the issue, the “Thor” star seems convinced that Iran was to blame for the Ukrainian airliner’s downing.

Natalie Portman ,who is followed by millions of people on Instagram, has liked a report by The New York Times that claimed it was the Iranian missile that brought down the Ukrainian airliner.

it was not confirmed whether she was convinced by the NYT report or she just felt like hitting the “Like” button on Instagram.

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